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How Psycological Coaching helps with sports performance

In short, powerfully!

The statements below can be validated with independent research, which I encourage you to do, and examples of evidence found here on my site:

Any further evidence is freely available on a simple web search using Google Scholar.

The effect of Sports Peformance Hypnosis and Mental Game Coaching are both psychological and physical, which in turn improve an athletes physical. performance in both the immediate and long term.

– As with any practiced skill the effects are cumulative –

Hypnosis can:

    1. Lower performance anxiety
    2. Reduce the experience of physical discomfort
    3. Increase precision and accuracy in sports
    4. Speed up skill acquisition  
    5. Increase the amount of work repetitions in training and competition
    6. Help to embed performance psychological triggers
    7. Develop and enhance the state of “Flow” 
    8. Increase point-specific focus of attention
    9. Develop the big picture overview
    10. Enhance the feeling of self-efficacy
    11. Develop access to improved event confidence
    12. Boost stamina 
    13. Alter the perception of effort
      Psycological Coaching
      Head for Heights
    14. Develop pre-event relaxation
    15. Check and clarify goal-setting 
    16. Augment mental imagery
    17. Reinforce self-belief
    18. Manage intrusive thoughts
    19. Shape an athlete’s internal dialogue
    20. Speed up recovery from injury
    21. Increase muscular strength 
    22. Lower pain
    23. Alter heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen intake and blood flow
    24. Transform habits and aid technique
    25.  Condition in athletes responses to stimuli
    26. Engage strength on command
    27. Mobilise effort

What is actually happening in hypnosis?

Symbolic Learning Theory

A theory on how one’s imagination can improve one’s achievement.  This theory states that imagination can improve systems of behaviour and action. What one believes and imagines will affect our ability to reach the goal.

Symbolic Learning Theory:  means that a person will imagine in the head what will he do do to paint a great landscape before actually taking the brush and colours” 

N., Pam M.S., “SYMBOLIC LEARNING THEORY,” in, April 13, 2013, (accessed April 4, 2020). 

Psycho-Neuromuscular theory

The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.) 

A theory postulated to explain the positive effects of motor imagery. It suggests that vivid, imagined events produce neuromuscular responses similar to those of an actual experience. That is, the images produced in the brain transmit impulses to the muscles for the execution of the imagined skill, although these impulses may be so minor that they do not actually produce movement or the movement may be undetectable. Support for this theory comes from a number of sources.  Flow (psychology), to be in flow-state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterised by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one’s sense of time.Often used interchangeably with other concepts such as peak performance and/or peak experience.  

What do Flow State and Hypnosis have in common?

Flow states and hypnosis are similar as well in that they are both psychological skills

Privette (1983); Flow State and Hypnosis, shared attributes:
– Absorption in the activity.

– A valuing of the experience.
– Spontaneity. 
– A sense of power.
An increased Perception of Effort Hypnosis considered to be phenomenologically similar/same to ‘flow”. Creating an increased sense of personal identity and involvement. Highly hypnotisable people tend to also be predisposed for flow like states.